July 27


Hello noon on the
27th of July.

Those meds I took
For the dental work
Totally k.o.'d me!

I do remember leaving
The office on very unsteady legs,
And being at mom's,
Ordering pizza for supper,
A visit from Linda
And then I blank out
Until John left for work at 10pm.
I slept all morning
And decided today was pj day.

Not much to report.
I did some things for the crop
In Dorchester tomorrow,
Cleaned the kitchen,
A lovely chinese inspired dinner,
Made a packing list...
Not much else.

And already 11pm???????
Tomorrow I am busy as a bee,
So maybe a chillaxin day
Was a really good idea.

I am off.
A normal nights sleep,
Not 17 hours!!!!

Good night from John Street


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