July 22


""Hope is a thing with feathers,
That perches in the soul"
But if your hope
Is for the wrong thing,
It can be a sharp beaked hawk
That ravages the soul and the heart."
(Paraphrased from Dean Koontz book)

Isn't that a blindingly amazing thought?

I am aware that hope
Can carry you through hard times.

Hope can be the thing
That you rely on
To get you through...

But hope does not make you
Self reliant and can make you
Forget about the pitfalls
Of not facing a problem head on
And as honestly as you can.

I agree that hope
Can be more painful
When experienced after it has shattered
And you are left to pick up
Whatever pieces you can save.

Today was church and Valleyview
And a new book to read.

Now some deep thinking
As that sentence
has made me think... deeply
Especially about things
I shoved back on feathers.

Good night from John Street


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