July 15


I got up after finally
Getting some sleep.
I got everything all packed up
And headed downstairs
For cinnamon buns.

Everything into my car,
And went and settled
Up with everyone.

I said my good byes
And set my GPS.

On my way
I realized how early it was.
I thought it was much later!

I made a pit stop
At the Chatham Michaels.

I reset my GPS
And off to Penningtons I went.

It was not open yet,
And it was getting super hot.
I went into Giant Tiger's
And found  couple shirts for John.

I went into Penningtons
And was immediately disappointed
Because I they had "fine print"
And on the bra sale. Argh

I reset the GPS again
And headed home.

Made good time and got home
To find a happy dog, happy cat
And a sweaty husband
All glad to have me home again.

Took some gravol
For a very upset tummy,
Then off to see a recuperating friend,
Before heading to my bed.

I fell right to sleep.
John brought up some pasta
For supper around 8pm.
I immediately fell asleep again.

Here it is...
Tomorrow is going to be better.

Good night from John Street


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