July 20
A late start today
But I did get going
And packed the car
With everything that does not
Belong at this address.
I washed 2 loads of towels
And was off to coffee at Mom's.
Threw the towels in the dryer
And big chat and giggles
Followed with the girls.
The towels got folded,
The suitcase sent to the packing room,
And I was off to help
An old man cross Wellington and First.
Mom was taking Dad to pick up
His new glasses and then
Walk with him across the 2 crosswalks
So he could go shopping
At Home Hardware (for what??)
And then walk back to her car
And drive it over.
I eliminated the walking.
Dropped off
Some forgotten sunglasses.
Unloaded my car
And got all the patio cushions
Put away before the rain storm.
I however did not make it inside.
Managed to fold some laundry
And wash some more.
Prep supper
And clean the kitchen too.
I spent for-ever on the phone
With Shaw fixing our satelite.
Some tv
But now, the Crohn's is
Kicking my butt.
I am headed
to bed,
Some meds,
And a good book.
Good night from John Street
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