December 21st 2017

Get caught up day.
Sleep first.
I was too tired to even get out of bed!
Got moving by 10:30
"get this crap done"
I blew through a bunch of chores
I had been putting off.

Drove Mom off to STEGH
to visit with Dad and feed him lunch.
She only managed some pudding and water.
He was doing better
but is still very ill.
The assistive device for breathing 
was removed but his breathing is so poor
that it may go back on at any time.

Home again
I got all my wonderful gifts put away
and rested on the recliner
reading my book 
for book club tonight.

A special visit
with the single most awesome gift
I never ever expected to get
happened today too!

Off to feed Dad supper
and check on his progress.
I arrived and learned how his day was going
and then set to work convincing him
that eating was necessary,
and got him to eat 
1/2 chicken breast, some scalloped potatoes
and 2 things of ice cream.

Left there
and popped over to WalMart
where I made quick work
of finding a few last minute items//

Got a burger
and slip slided my way 
over to the book club meeting.

Invariably a lively conversation
and some yummy treats too!

Got home and caught up on some 
internet jobs
and now I need sleep!

Commissioned by Sir Henry Cole (1808-1883), British illustrator John Callcott Horsley (1817-1903) invented the first Christmas card in 1843.

Good night from John Street


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