December 11th 2017
My arch nemesis.
I have a love / hate relationship
With this drug.
It DID save my life,
But it IS an IV every 4 weeks.
It keeps me able to live
A mostly normal life,
But the cost gives me
Heart palpatations!
The drug takes 2 and a half hours
To administer in North London,
But it lasts 18-20 days.
It kills my immune system,
But makes me grateful
For the life I can live.
Some infusions,
I get home and start doing stuff
And working like a mad woman.
More likely,
Like today,
It is a day of rest.
I did get taken over to watch
Disney weddings at Mom's
And was lucky Anne
Could come and join us.
Bed by 10pm,
With a headache from hell.
John is off for the first run
Of the messy driving season.
My list is made for tomorrow.
A list based in reality,
The reality is,
It could be a snow day tomorrow,
The reality is,
I may not feel better tomorrow,
The reality is,
I may get a better thing to do!
Christmas garland history tells us that the early settlers to America brought the custom of Christmas garlands to the country. The garlands are used to decorate the Christmas trees. They are also for other adornment purposes like decorating the room or the house during the Christmas season. Making Christmas garlands added to the family income after the harvesting season is over before Christmas. Selling the garlands fetched a tidy sum, which was spent in buying clothes or other household articles. We find from the Christmas garland history, pine, spruce and cedar trees were used in the making of the Christmas garlands. There were other things used that include cornhusks, orange and scarlet pods of bittersweet, mosses, and dried fruits. The Christmas garlands were not only for home decoration they were used for decorating, churches, business establishments, shops, and hospitals also. The decoration with green garlands made an attractive picture in the background of white snow covered ground.
Good night from John Street
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