December 15th 2017

Another busy day.

I woke with a headache again.
8am and tylenol,
Put me back to sleep
Until almost 10am!!!!

I jumped up and got going.
Packed the car 
for my very full day of to do's
And I was off.

Job #1
Get a tea.

Job #2
Off to help Dad work
On his last homemade gift.

Job #3
Off to coffee at Mom's
And deliver 2 sets of cookies.

Job #4
Back to the bead store
For parts to finish fixing
All my jewellery.

Job #5
Off to get my hair permed.

Job #6
Picked up materials
To help a friend make tarts.

Job #7
Arrived to babysit
And make gluten free tarts.

Job #8
Home for supper
And divided Judy's gifts up.

Job #9
Finish fixing my necklaces.

Job #10
Bedtime because it feels
Like it's midnight already.

Christmas Candy Canes

As legend has it, the origin of the candy cane appears to stem back to Cologne, Germany around 1670. A clergyman and choirmaster purportedly had given hard white candy, with one end shaped into a "crook", to pacify anxious children during church services.

Good night from John Street


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