December 2nd 2017

Saturdays go 2 ways here.
John may sleep all day
or be a going concern and crash later.

Today he slept.

I did not want to do anything.
But instead of giving in,
I grabbed my purse
and off to the bulk barn.

It was going to be a tart making day.
I accomplished making:
wild blueberry
and coconut cream.

I did a few chores
and at 2pm was joined by John
who had it in his head
to get started on homemade gifts.

He spent the entire day
out in his garage.
I met Dad at Dollarama
and he did his stocking shopping
and then off for supper with Mom
at A&W to celebrate.
They have managed to keep his sugars
at 8 or below for almost 2 weeks now
with the new regiment.

I did some laundry,
made a Mexican feast for supper
and after cleaning the kitchen,
I crashed in front of the tv.

Followed by bed at 9pm.

So tired my eyes are burning!

History of fruitcake

The oldest reference that can be found regarding a fruitcake dates back to Roman times. The recipe included pomegranate seeds. Pine nuts, and raisins that were mixed into barley mash. Honey, spices, and preserved fruits were added during the Middle Ages.

Good night from John Street


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