September 18th 2017

Remicade day.
Slept a little late today
as I woke with a headache.
John made me tea 
and we had coffee cake for breakfast.

John had "work" to do online,
some training, so I left early
for north London.

I talked to the b.i.l. and mom
then the b.i.l. and mom again....
that made fast work
of the 45 minute drive.

I got to North London Michaels
and found the glue pens
that 2 friends were discussing
at the bon fire on Saturday!
The cashier let me use my coupon
on each purchase,
so everyone got 40% off. YAY

Off to Remicade.
The nurse was super good 
and the IV did not hurt at all...
until it started running!
Not much typing could be done
with just one hand,
so eventually I found something
to watch on Neflix.
All the test are done too.
So we just wait for the results now.

Headed home with Sirius radio
blasting 80's music at me,
the sunroof and all the windows open
enjoying the changing colours.

Me and heat have an ongoing war.
I hate it and its sweaty weather
and in turn it makes my life a challenge.

When I did get home 
I realized I was absolutely starving.
I ate some cold pizza,
some homemade macaroni salad,
some chips and dip
and suddenly...
I had a tummy ache! lololol

John took one look at me
and sent me to bed for the night.
I stole away the laptop
and watched some tv,
while I relaxed in bed.

I cannot believe it but it is only 8pm
and I am too exhausted to stay up.

John is getting ready for work
and I am getting
snuggled down for the night
with my ice pack (still).

Tomorrow will be soon enough
to accomplish what I wanted to do today.

* ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** *

Some days perky is the only way
to make it through a day.
If I was not capable of doing that,
my blog would read:

Woke with a headache,
hubby wouldn't make pancakes
and I was too lazy,
had to be the mediator
in a stupid situation,
had to leave the house when
I badly wanted to get stuff done.

Hot as hell at North Michaels,
Remicade infusion day,
stupid IV hurt my hand,
no one online to chat with,
nothing on Netflix to watch.

Overcast and muggy afternoon,
low grade fever,
sent to bed with an ice pack,
soooooo hot,
sleepy by 8pm.

** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * **

It is all in the wording.

Good night from John Street


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