September 25th 2017

The end of September
and I am still too hot for comfort.

My day was soooooo busy.
I started with the task master
making scrapbook kits.
Work work work.

Then off to my chauffeuring job,
getting Mom to Valleyview,
picking up some groceries,
not only for me but her too.
Grabbed a frozen lemonade,
and picked Mom back up
and took her to the library.

I got her home....
she finally gave in
and turned on the air conditioner.
I made sure she had an easy supper
and headed home 
to make John and I supper.

We had some quiche
and then I did some minor chores.
My ride arrived
and I was off to London
to help organize the decorations
for a big 40th birthday.

When I got home,
I posted the final event,
finished this blog....
and now an ice cold shower
and then bed by 10.

So I better get moving.
Good night from John Street


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