September 15th 2017

Out at the crack of ugly
for an appointment with my specialist,
and check on my numbers.

All is looking ok 
but a couple numbers are elevated
so I am up for a test at my infusion
this coming Monday
and a colonoscopy in October.

I decided to stop at White Oaks Mall,
and ran into a sale,
where I bought 7 new pairs of shoes
for this fall for $55!!!!!!!!!!

Headed home for some lunch,
and then off to Dollarama.
I bought everything I need 
to organize the shoe closet,
the kitchen island
AND my freezer too!

At 3pm,
I was off to visit Dad
who is happily back at Valleyview
and doing very well.

I also managed to get a loaner
serger and sewing machine.
If I like them,
I may be able to buy them.

John called and it was time
to head off to help a friend
finish organizing her apartment.
John built a sofa base,
and we unpacked 6 totes
and reorganized Christmas.
We also got the bins posted
for sale to get out of her way.

On the way home I made a pit stop,
to book a hall for a friend.

Got home to find John had made pizza,
so I grabbed a Mike's Hard
and a couple slices and crashed.

Now I have to rush. 
I have a bedroom to clean before 10
and jump into bed!

Good night from John Street


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