Jan 6

January 6th 2015

These little hints are awesome so far!

Focus on What You’re Doing Right

Stop focusing on the things you still have to change to reach your goals, 
and recognize what you are already doing to support your success. 

“Start each day by asking yourself, what’s going right?”. 
Write down three (3) things each morning that are going well, 
and notice how that shifts your mood. 
“When you look for what’s going well, you’ll see it!” 
Start your day off on a positive note that can help you stay inspired 
to stick with your goals for the rest of the day.

I think you can take it one step further.
Maybe instead of writing 3 things down,
Try doing 3 things that make you happy EVERY morning!
I think writing it down is a good start,
but what if...

I start every morning off by:

actually getting dressed 
(not track pants or pjs - but in clothes I like)

getting washed and doing something with my hair 
(not necessarily makeup)

enjoying my morning coffee/tea and muffin 
(with MY mug and plate)


Very little effort on my part every night
ensures that each morning starts
on a happy note.

Maybe considering what you do LAST 
every night will help that...

I try to finish every evening off by:

making sure the living room is straightened
straightening / putting away / doing the dishes in the kitchen
setting up the coffee maker for the morning
having Judy's lunch/bags/clothes ready
having actual plans to accomplish
1 or more things the next day
having friends on line to talk to!

My routine for each and every morning and evening
is the same every day.
I seem to feel more comfortable 
if the day starts the same.

When I wake, 
I get dressed, make the bed, 
and straighten the dresser.
I make sure the laundry is put away
and ensure I have everything I need
and that everything 
I want done upstairs is complete,
so I do not have to do the stairs again,
and will look nice when I come up that night!
By then I am too tired to fight with a mess
or an unmade messy bed.

I know my
is good for a laugh sometimes,
but I do think it helps keep me organized too.

Before I go to bed,
I fold the blankets 
and straighten the pillows on the sofa.
I make sure the kitchen is at least straightened up.
I put away the dogs toys,
blow out all the candles that are lit, 
and clear away any food or glasses 
near the laptop.
(HAHAHA and usually in that order too)

It is funny that things as insignificant
as neat blankets
can make things ok in my world!


The Remikade infusion was this morning.
I woke up feeling unwell,
but the nurses agreed I looked pale 
but was otherwise healthy enough 
for the medication.

The IV was more painful than usual, 
and I became nauseated almost immediately.
(probably a panic attack)
I was given a quick IV of gravol to help.
Within about 15 minutes, 
my legs and arms had tremors 
and I couldn't get comfortable.
I got a massive headache too.
I went out to walk the halls
and I remember circling the far hall.

The nurse found me sitting, 
leaning on the IV pole.
Don't remember getting there!
When I went back and sat in the infusion room 
I went to sleep for over an hour.
I woke up feeling a bit better,
finished the infusion, 
and was heading home 
when the headache came back.
I was advised to park and get some excercise.

I walked through Jysk
I walked through Michaels

and it helped.

Spent the evening with Judy
picking up the last gifts for Sunday.
Our last Christmas party.
Tomorrow, I will wrap them all.

It is 10:30pm 
and I just talked to the peeps at the hospital 
and no surgery has been done yet.
So I got no further news on that front.

I guess that's all for tonight.

Good night from John Street


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