Jan 16
January 16th 2015
Try Self-Affirmations
Write a list of self-affirmations to use every day, especially during times when it’s tough to stick to your resolution.
These types of uplifting statements can help promote adherence to positive life changes.
Posting your favorite affirmations on the refrigerator, bathroom mirror or your near your computer can be helpful.
Some favorites:
“Change is hard, but I am worth the hard work it takes to be better”
“I am committed to progress, not perfection”
and “I have made big changes in my life before and I can do it again”
Sometimes these little "reminders"
make us question just how committed we were
when saying we are going to MAKE these changes.
I am sure that when I started the process,
I wanted to do these things,
so what is so different today?
Work, progress, change.
I am now on day 16 of the new year
it is time I ask myself:
1) Am I actually working towards a goal I want?
OR did it just sound good at the time?
2) Who is stopping me from attaining my goal?
2) Who is stopping me from attaining my goal?
OR what do I need to change?
3) Do I have a good support system for this change?
OR do I need to find a partner to succeed?
4) What will increase my will power to continue?
OR do I need a better reward system?
1. Have a Dream. Write Down What It is You Wish to Achieve!
It is that simple!
2. Look at “Your” Big Picture
Did you consider: Physical need, emotional needs, social needs and finances?
3. Think and Plan Thoroughly
Fail to plan? Plan to fail.
4. One Step at a Time
You can't climb a ladder 3 rungs at a time, follow your goal's path.
5. Always Be Positive
Use what works for you: planners, signs etc and remind your self of the successes.
6. Persist Until You Succeed!!!
Don't give in when you back track, just get up and start again.
7. Don’t D.ream It! BE IT!
WORK on your goal a little EVERY day
8. Stay Active and Alert
Research your goals often for new ways to succeed.
9. Review Regularly
Is this still a goal? Do you need to make adjustments?
10. Have fun! Enjoy Yourself!
You have one life. Don't spend every waking moment being a project.
I made my goals.
I am behind, but I can reassess.
I am not on a time table.
I need to remember to enjoy my life
-while succeeding-
Now the news from the crazy world of Grimsby.
Dad is now happily (?)
housed in the Grimsby Hospital,
making it easier for everyone there to go see him.
This week has been a roller coaster apparently.
Medications were not given in St Catharines,
causing a sudden depression,
and upon realizing this
they gave him meds too strong
causing him to sleep constantly!
Today he went to therapy for the first time
and he called me to tell me
he had stood at the parallel bars three times,
once for 30 seconds!
He is eating again,
and sounds much less medicated.
No word yet on how long he will be there.
Good night from John Street
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