Jan 18

January 18th 2015

Reward Yourself

Positive reinforcement is the strongest influence in changing any behavior, 
so don’t be shy about rewarding yourself along the way. 

“Start by rewarding yourself every time you make a step toward your goal 
in the beginning to shape the behavior you want. 
Then, as you progress toward your goal, 
increase the number of positive behaviors you engage in before reinforcing yourself.” 

If all that sounds like it could get pricey, think beyond store-bought presents. 
Bubble baths, extra gym time, extra reading time, massages or even a night out are good, goal-reinforcing rewards.
BUT avoid rewarding yourself with food, especially if you have weight issues! 

I think the reward should be 

attaining your goal,

shouldn't it?
So maybe I read this one wrong,
or I am misinterpreting what it is trying to say.

One of my goals is to organize the kitchen,
to a degree make it accessible even from a wheelchair.
So, the reward for doing this is not only
a new beautiful and organized kitchen?

I remember last fall,
I spent an ENTIRE day
organizing my spices from a cluster of mass proportions
to a drawer, with neatly labeled bottles,
within reach of the stove.
I was so proud of that drawer I DRAGGED
my friends and family in to see it!
The finished product was my reward.

On chore day,
the reward for accomplishing my TO DO list
is a clean home,
and a space I am not terrified
to have someone just DROP IN  unexpectedly.
I suppose my reward is to scratch off a chore,
or crumple up a post it note,
but maybe 
I just have no "goals" large enough to require rewards.

So today was lovely.

Snuggled up in my bed, reading and dozing all morning.
A long hot shower 
to help with whatever is wrong with my shoulder.
A pyjama day.
I helped Judy with a project title page.
John came home unexpectedly.
We watched the last dvd's of HOUSE season 6.
We had a nice dinner together.

A lovely day (not outside),
Good golly I have not seen outside since......
Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!! hahhahahhahahha
I feel a little like a recluse.

as I have decided nothing will stop me 
from catching up on my 3 week old to do list,
from working on the January declutter challenge,
and generally get my butt 
into a healthy plan of attack for 2015.

Knock on wood,
I have seen all the sick I need to for a while.

Good Night from John Street


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