Jan 10

January 10th 2015

Have you ever sat down and just pouted 
because nothing seemed to be working?


Tap Into A More Meaningful Purpose

Sure, losing weight to look great in your skinny jeans is a nice goal, but it’s pretty skin deep, and easy to give up on. Instead, you may find it easier to stay motivated by focusing on losing weight in order to lower your blood pressure and get off your medication. 
“Challenges are easier to tolerate if we feel connected to a meaningful purpose”. When you find your personal motivator, you tap the unlimited power of your will to thrive.”


What is the reason for what you perceive as failure?
Is your goal too large?
Can you break it down into smaller goals?

I look at it like this:
If I get a cold I can't just say "tomorrow I will be better" or I have set myself up for failure. It would serve me better to find 4 attainable goal for the coming days.

We are 10 days into the new year,
but unfortunately I started this lovely year
with a ridiculous number of illnesses!

I started the year by waking up with a cold.
It lasted the whole first week!

I finally got over that in time to enjoy a bad reaction to my Remicade infusion on Tuesday which then turned into a migraine for 2 days.

Yesterday I was happy to wake up 
and realize the headache was not as bad.
By last night, I was having a major Crohn's attack
and onto some heavy pain meds.
I am so happy my family knows how to deal with all this!

I will not give in.
I am going to stay positive 
and I am going to get through this and whatever else
this crazy life of mine throws at me.

I will enjoy the last Christmas of the season with our family.
No matter how I feel, 
I will enjoy the big turkey dinner 
and the family and gifts.

Dad is doing well today.
"HE" even called to say hello and brag
that he just finished eating a turkey dinner 
and was having chocolate for dessert.
Soon he will be transferred to the hospital in Grimsby.

Good night from John Street


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