Sunday December 21st 2014
What a quick day!
We had plans....... and then Judy got called into work.

John and I worked away at post it notes, got some chores done, did a little decorating, a little baking and a little movie watching. Judy got home JUST in time for dinner, and we all sat down to watch Guardians of the Galaxy.
At 10:45pm, I headed out to return the movie with 10 minutes to spare and figured while I was out I would pick up the last 10 things on the "we'd like" grocery list that were either out of stock on friday or I couldn't find.
Let me give you a definition for my 11:57pm blog entry...
It is an amazing feeling to be able to say
that I am DONE all my shopping,
almost all the wrapping
AND have all the groceries bought!!!!!
AND it is only December 22nd.
My husband and daughter are home now until Saturday.
Tomorrow I foresee getting the last of the decorating finished,
doing some baking,
watching disc 1 of season 3 of Hell on Wheels together,
and a hopefully bbq hamburgers for supper.
As for me, I am going to give you the 3rd last set of
What a quick day!
We had plans....... and then Judy got called into work.

John and I worked away at post it notes, got some chores done, did a little decorating, a little baking and a little movie watching. Judy got home JUST in time for dinner, and we all sat down to watch Guardians of the Galaxy.
At 10:45pm, I headed out to return the movie with 10 minutes to spare and figured while I was out I would pick up the last 10 things on the "we'd like" grocery list that were either out of stock on friday or I couldn't find.
Let me give you a definition for my 11:57pm blog entry...
- 1.past participle of do1.
- 1.used as a nonstandard past tense of do1."I done a lot of shopping'"
- 1.(of food) cooked thoroughly."the turkey will be done soon"
synonyms: cooked (through), ready "is the meat done?"
- 1.used to indicate that the speaker accepts the terms of an offer."“I'll give ten to one she misses something on the list!” called the husband.
“Done,” said the daughter"
One hour later, the mother walked in and exclaimed:
that I am DONE all my shopping,
almost all the wrapping
AND have all the groceries bought!!!!!
AND it is only December 22nd.
My husband and daughter are home now until Saturday.
Tomorrow I foresee getting the last of the decorating finished,
doing some baking,
watching disc 1 of season 3 of Hell on Wheels together,
and a hopefully bbq hamburgers for supper.
As for me, I am going to give you the 3rd last set of
8 simple ideas...
and then go to bed.
- Let the youngest child who can read in the family (or the oldest) read the Night before Christmas after dinner. Record it for when they get older
- Every year buy a dated ornament for each child, that represents the kind of person they were during that year. When they move away give them their collection for their own tree
- Do not overwhelm young children with lots of gifts all at once, and not let them play with any of them. Try to remember to cut packing ties before wrapping for easy access
- Aunt Emma's Baked Apricots
2-17oz cans of apricot halves
1-16oz can of tart cherries, drained
1 cup brown sugar
2 rolls of ritz crackers
1/4 cup butter
Line a baking dish with 1 can of the apricots, sprinkle with 1/4 cup of brown sugar and then 1/2 roll of crumbled ritz crackers. Dot with 3 tbsp of butter.
Next add 1/2 the cherries followed by 1/4 cup of brown sugar and then 1/2 roll of crumbled ritz crackers. Dot with 3 tbsp of butter.
Once more line 1 can of the apricots and sprinkle with 1/4 cup of brown sugar and then 1/2 roll of crumbled ritz crackers. Dot with 3 tbsp of butter.
Last add 1/2 the cherries followed by 1/4 cup of brown sugar and then 1/2 roll of crumbled ritz crackers. Dot with 3 tbsp of butter.
Bake at 350 for 1 hour. - Offer to hide gifts for neighbours with young snoopers
- Mail in warranty cards promptly
- Hang up stockings for every member of your house (including the dog or cat)
- Watch "a charlie brown christmas"
Good Night
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