December 3rd 2014
Sometimes I feel like I am an anomaly.
Sometimes I feel like I am an anomaly.
Word Origin noun, plural anomalies.
1. a deviation from the common rule, type,arrangement, or form.
Synonyms: abnormality, exception, peculiarity.
2. someone or something that is abnormal or incongruous, or does not fit in;
an anomalous person or thing:
With his quiet nature, he was an anomaly in his exuberant family.
Synonyms: abnormality, exception, peculiarity.
3. an odd, peculiar, or strange condition,situation, quality, etc.
4. an incongruity or inconsistency.
5. Astronomy. a quantity measured in degrees,defining the position of an orbiting body with respect to the point at which it is nearest to or farthest from its primary.
6. Meteorology. the amount of deviation of a meteorological quantity from the accepted normal value of that quantity.
7. Grammar, irregularity.
I believe in giving. I believe in giving the best that I can to those I love and those who need it.
I do not believe in giving more than I can afford, but I do believe I have had a very amazing life up to now. There have been so few times I can say I did without, but even when I was without, I was never to the extent that others have been.
I have always had warm clothes and a home to live in. I have always had people who loved me and friends who were there when I needed them. I give in that spirit. I want to give a small piece of happiness to try to pay back for the wonderful life I enjoy. I do not expect gifts in return.

I AM THE WORST OFFENDER in this regard at Christmas... I am not always conscious of the price of items... I buy all year long!!!!!
I DO NOT expect gifts in return. ACTUALLY in some cases I would more appreciate a thoughtful coffee date than a gift with no meaning. I TRY hard to remember the actual reason I am giving a gift. It is the thought that counts!!! There are so many ways to say thank you for your friendship than retail shopping.
But I have found in past years, people who should not be buying me a gift,
are spending money they do not have,
on items that have no real purpose other than for them to have something to wrap.
I love that this year our group of ladies, spoke up early. We agreed that gift giving is getting ridiculous, expensive and unnecessary. We are jealous of the aunts who used to get homemade ornaments from us as children, while our families with young children, put themselves into debt trying to buy more and more when a photo of their children or a macaroni ornament would make us very very happy.
AND now that I have had my moment to rant,
Here is your 8 simple Christmas Joys for today.
I love that this year our group of ladies, spoke up early. We agreed that gift giving is getting ridiculous, expensive and unnecessary. We are jealous of the aunts who used to get homemade ornaments from us as children, while our families with young children, put themselves into debt trying to buy more and more when a photo of their children or a macaroni ornament would make us very very happy.
AND now that I have had my moment to rant,
Here is your 8 simple Christmas Joys for today.
- Buy something from a student bake sale and tell them to keep the change
- Do not give an errand as a gift!
- If you are not absolutely sure of the size, do not buy clothing. It is a hassle to exchange!
- Take a child to the library to read Christmas stories.
- Keep money in envelopes to spontaneously give when the spirit hits you.
- Write a Christmas greeting on the tops of your emails and faxes.
- When holiday travels take you to cities where you have friends,
call or write ahead so you can get together for even a few minutes. - Include your children in the preparation of holiday meals.
This teaches them the skills to do it later in life. - Add a note of appreciation to the Christmas card for your childs teacher.
Good Night
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