Monday December 22nd 2014
First family day of the holidays. No one had to work, no appointments and the shopping is all done!

So we each took jobs we knew needed doing and split up. I now have a HUGE box in the living room with a bow. John could barely lift it. He SWEARS he stayed on budget and got a reciept to prove it if I don't believe him. Judy put some more gifts under the tree and finished wrapping up the last bits.

I finished a homemade gift
(which I never ever want to do again) but it looks great.

Melissa showed up and took a few 2014 Christmas photos of our family too! I loved quite a few and had a lot of fun in the sunshine having them taken.
Between chores and baking, we watched the first disc of season 3 of Hell on Wheels. Then at 5:30 we started supper. BBQ'd burgers. Mmmmmm some things are a treat in december, and these were yummy.

I must have a couple elves who read my blog, because after supper I was informed that THEY were off to do the laundry and I was to relax. Hmmmm! Love it. So, I went into the kitchen while they were gone and made them a coconut cream pie.

Tomorrow is the 2nd family day of the holidays. I am hoping we can make butter tarts from scratch, decorate our living room tree and later go see the lights in east London.
I am having a wonderful Christmas week so far.
Now another 8 simple ideas to make
YOUR Christmas better...
First family day of the holidays. No one had to work, no appointments and the shopping is all done!
So we each took jobs we knew needed doing and split up. I now have a HUGE box in the living room with a bow. John could barely lift it. He SWEARS he stayed on budget and got a reciept to prove it if I don't believe him. Judy put some more gifts under the tree and finished wrapping up the last bits.
I finished a homemade gift
(which I never ever want to do again) but it looks great.
Melissa showed up and took a few 2014 Christmas photos of our family too! I loved quite a few and had a lot of fun in the sunshine having them taken.
Between chores and baking, we watched the first disc of season 3 of Hell on Wheels. Then at 5:30 we started supper. BBQ'd burgers. Mmmmmm some things are a treat in december, and these were yummy.
I must have a couple elves who read my blog, because after supper I was informed that THEY were off to do the laundry and I was to relax. Hmmmm! Love it. So, I went into the kitchen while they were gone and made them a coconut cream pie.
Tomorrow is the 2nd family day of the holidays. I am hoping we can make butter tarts from scratch, decorate our living room tree and later go see the lights in east London.
I am having a wonderful Christmas week so far.
Now another 8 simple ideas to make
YOUR Christmas better...
- Send you Sunday school teacher a card of appreciation
- For toys and appliances, keep warranty information and hotline numbers. For board games contact the manufacturer and order another set of parts in case of loss
- Give at least one teddy bear this year
- Remember peace on earth begins at home and in our hearts
- Take your children with you to make a cash donation to a homeless or women's shelter to let them experience sharing. Answer only what they ask, no need to give more information than they are ready for
- Don't use the words "I am on a diet"
- After opening all your gifts, hug everyone and tell them they are the best gift of all
- Have your children go through their toys now that schools is out and send the best items to shelters
Good night
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