Wednesday August 27th 2014

Somedays the Energizer Bunny looks at me and whistles! I was a machine today......
Judy's friend arrived after breakfast and they dragged me out of bed at 9:30am. Yes, that was sleeping in today. BUT it was a good thing...... cause I was ready to move.
After washing my hair and getting ready, it was out to the truck, find the dog....(will explain that little tidbit later in the blog) and the 3 of us were off to Dutton! (again). We go there and had a visit with Judy's biological father who happened to have the day off and lives there. He gave us a tour of his home, and some plants for Judy to put in the pond garden.
Then finally we found some uniform pants!!!!!!!
Not only pants but pants we agreed fit! (both of us) without much of an argument at all.
can you hear the angels singing Hallelujah?
As we climbed back into the truck, we started making plans for lunch. It was decided that a pig out at the Pizza Hut lunch buffet was perfect! They even found a lunch date for me (thanks for coming Cailyn).
From there it was a whirlwind 3 hours of shopping. We started off by paying Rogers and then it was off to Ardene for shoes and a running outfit, Walmart, for more shoes an unsuccessful attempt at bra shopping and a couple "necessary" school supplies. Next it was Dollarama..... at this moment I can't remember why...... seriously important stop appparently! The last stop before I conked out was Giant Tiger where the girls successfully found moccasins for school and leggings.
I was beat, and it was time to come home. I sat with my fan and relaxed with my online farm for an hour. Judy's friend went home and it was decided that supper should be chicken caesar salad.
Judy left for cadets (yes I have to get used to 2 nights a week again), and I was on a mission to get some stuff done. I did the dishes, ordered new blinds for the living room, made a thursday to do list, cleaned the back bathroom, FINALLY got the last of the Easter decor ready to go to storage, talked to John, laundry away, front flower urns emptied and ready for fall mums and a beagle delivered! Why might you ask is my beagle running down Kains Street? I asked the same question.
Until I got to the backyard..... where he had eaten through a 1/4 section of the lattice gate!
Very reminiscent of this day in 2011 when he ate his way through a sheet of plywood. Maybe he needs more fiber in his diet??????
That was just as Charlotte and Dennis arrived for a quick visit and pee break. Ron came back and did a quick repair of the hole in the fence for me. What a great guy. As they left, John called and soon after Judy called for a ride home.
She was quick to re-stuff Shooters old bed, and then it was corn chips and an episode of Criminal Minds...... YAY Shemar!
I think that is all I can accomplish for today. I've had it.
Going to put my farm away for the night and go to bed.
Good night all!

Somedays the Energizer Bunny looks at me and whistles! I was a machine today......
Judy's friend arrived after breakfast and they dragged me out of bed at 9:30am. Yes, that was sleeping in today. BUT it was a good thing...... cause I was ready to move.
After washing my hair and getting ready, it was out to the truck, find the dog....(will explain that little tidbit later in the blog) and the 3 of us were off to Dutton! (again). We go there and had a visit with Judy's biological father who happened to have the day off and lives there. He gave us a tour of his home, and some plants for Judy to put in the pond garden.
Then finally we found some uniform pants!!!!!!!
Not only pants but pants we agreed fit! (both of us) without much of an argument at all.
can you hear the angels singing Hallelujah?
As we climbed back into the truck, we started making plans for lunch. It was decided that a pig out at the Pizza Hut lunch buffet was perfect! They even found a lunch date for me (thanks for coming Cailyn).
From there it was a whirlwind 3 hours of shopping. We started off by paying Rogers and then it was off to Ardene for shoes and a running outfit, Walmart, for more shoes an unsuccessful attempt at bra shopping and a couple "necessary" school supplies. Next it was Dollarama..... at this moment I can't remember why...... seriously important stop appparently! The last stop before I conked out was Giant Tiger where the girls successfully found moccasins for school and leggings.
I was beat, and it was time to come home. I sat with my fan and relaxed with my online farm for an hour. Judy's friend went home and it was decided that supper should be chicken caesar salad.
Judy left for cadets (yes I have to get used to 2 nights a week again), and I was on a mission to get some stuff done. I did the dishes, ordered new blinds for the living room, made a thursday to do list, cleaned the back bathroom, FINALLY got the last of the Easter decor ready to go to storage, talked to John, laundry away, front flower urns emptied and ready for fall mums and a beagle delivered! Why might you ask is my beagle running down Kains Street? I asked the same question.
Until I got to the backyard..... where he had eaten through a 1/4 section of the lattice gate!
Very reminiscent of this day in 2011 when he ate his way through a sheet of plywood. Maybe he needs more fiber in his diet??????
That was just as Charlotte and Dennis arrived for a quick visit and pee break. Ron came back and did a quick repair of the hole in the fence for me. What a great guy. As they left, John called and soon after Judy called for a ride home.
She was quick to re-stuff Shooters old bed, and then it was corn chips and an episode of Criminal Minds...... YAY Shemar!
I think that is all I can accomplish for today. I've had it.
Going to put my farm away for the night and go to bed.
Good night all!
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