Monday August 25th 2014

Welcome to another week.

Judy and I started our day with a trip to Dutton. The intention was to get her some school uniform pieces, but alas, we did not pay attention to the day. They are closed on Mondays.

So instead, I took my daughter on the highway for the first time. I was not feeling well, so she was driving. She did fantastic! Smooth lane changes and calm has returned. Maybe taking her licence away for 3 months finally it home.

We made a quick stop in Lambeth at Kid Cents and managed to find 2 new uniform shirts but no pants. Met a lovely young girl starting at St Joes next week. (she looked really nervous)

On the way home we made a quick stop in at the newest Dollar Store to get a couple things for Judy's back to school supplies, and then off to Bentley at the mall for a backpack.

Lunch was really late so, after watching another episode of Once Upon a Time, Judy decided it was time to finally do the "underwear day" clean up. All this means is EVERYTHING she owns must be looked at, checked over and hung up properly or donated. In the end my daughter had 3 garbage bags of clothing and shoes and coats to donate to the women's shelter here in town. By 7pm everything was bagged up and in the truck or hung up/folded and put away.

Anne C stopped by to check up on me and we did a little ebay searching. Judy and I "tried" to watch another episode, but the phone kept ringing, so we gave up.

All in all, a very nice day

Good night


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