Saturday August 9th 2014
I LOVE POST IT NOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think part of the fun of doing chores is the scratching off of things you have done,
Even if you have a tendency to do things NOT on your list (but add them to scratch off of course!)
I like post it note lists too. When Judy was little, we started a clipboard chore list. We took TURNS making our weekly to do list. The person who chooses to be in charge of the list, walks through the house writing down what THEY personally think needs to get done around the house. Then we would sit and take turns choosing one job at a time each and writing them onto post it notes (we each had a color). It became a game to see who could do their jobs fastest.
Today was a day NONE of us really wanted to do chores, so we spent the morning finishing the tail ends of chores we had started. The back yard is now company presentable and raked, the overgrown forsythia got a trimming and filled 2 composters! 6 bags of garbage came out of the garage, beer bottles returned, groceries were gotten and bills were paid.

I even managed a lunch out
with 2 of my favourite teens!!
(and a Timmies)
Tonight while Judy is out at a pork roast, John and I had a nice pork chop supper and watched a movie. I also prepped 2 mac and cheese dinners, a crock pot of chili and the tomato sauce for cabbage rolls.
Now my weekend is over. John is on his way back to work tonight.
My big plan for tomorrow is to finish cooking..... I am really in the mood to cook. So, my house will smell like cabbage rolls and chili.... and maybe cookies.
Good night.
I LOVE POST IT NOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think part of the fun of doing chores is the scratching off of things you have done,
Even if you have a tendency to do things NOT on your list (but add them to scratch off of course!)
I like post it note lists too. When Judy was little, we started a clipboard chore list. We took TURNS making our weekly to do list. The person who chooses to be in charge of the list, walks through the house writing down what THEY personally think needs to get done around the house. Then we would sit and take turns choosing one job at a time each and writing them onto post it notes (we each had a color). It became a game to see who could do their jobs fastest.
Today was a day NONE of us really wanted to do chores, so we spent the morning finishing the tail ends of chores we had started. The back yard is now company presentable and raked, the overgrown forsythia got a trimming and filled 2 composters! 6 bags of garbage came out of the garage, beer bottles returned, groceries were gotten and bills were paid.

I even managed a lunch out
with 2 of my favourite teens!!
(and a Timmies)
Tonight while Judy is out at a pork roast, John and I had a nice pork chop supper and watched a movie. I also prepped 2 mac and cheese dinners, a crock pot of chili and the tomato sauce for cabbage rolls.
Now my weekend is over. John is on his way back to work tonight.
My big plan for tomorrow is to finish cooking..... I am really in the mood to cook. So, my house will smell like cabbage rolls and chili.... and maybe cookies.
Good night.
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