Wednesday August 13th 2014
I woke this morning, and stared out my window at an overcast sky and decided....
Why is it so appealing to roll over and snuggle down at 8am? Maybe it fulfills our very human need to feel like we are misbehaving! To have some control over our life that is filled with deadlines, and appointments and chores.
Or...... I was just lazy.
Either way my butt did not get out of bed until 11am today. I decided I was still not quite well enough to have a busy day and got cleaned up in some fancy pjs and headed down for a day of ........?
We started the day with a phone call asking Judy to head out to a job interview. We quickly ate our french toast breakfast and off she went. I sat happily engrossed in facebook and Big Farm until she came home. Her second interview is tomorrow. YAY my baby's first real job.
I spent the afternoon cleaning up the living room and tv room. Although I know in my head both rooms are in transition..... the mess is driving me crazy. So Judy and I spent a little while doing basic cleaning and everything looks much much better now.
We watched a little tv and then had cabbage rolls for supper and warm chocolate chip cookies for dessert! That has to make anybody a little bit happier! I made the dining room computer work again and then tried to decide how to end my night.
Well unexpectedly, the fight about underage teen after-prom parties came up, was fought out and a teen girl is currently pissed at her fuddy duddy mom. Oh well. I did offer the house up for the party, but without alcohol! I got "great! there will be like 3 of us there". "Do you even know there will be like 200 graduates? we need a field"

When did the grad party become a field event?

I have had a few graduations in my life,
gr 6, 10, 12 and gr 13 (mine)
gr 12 and gr 13 (boyfriend's)
gr 12 (husband)
gr 8 (daughter)
the common link................ no corn fields were involved in ANY of those. Fancy dresses, tuxedos, limos, corsages, dinners, dances.................. yes! alcohol yes, but not to the degree they are talking. At least not in any of the graduation parties I attended. We NEVER needed police chaperones at our parties! We never did property damage. We wanted a party and that's what we did.
Grade 6 was a family house party.
Grade 10 was a ceremony and party at Brock University.
Grade 12 was a ceremony at Lakeport School and party at Port Mansion.
Grade 13 the ceremony was at Lakeport school and the party was at Copperfields.
Our big "after-party" was at Perkins for a 1 or 2am breakfast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish the kids of today would look more at what THEY want,
not what their peers say should happen.
Unfortunately, that is probably not going to happen any time soon.
Good night.
I woke this morning, and stared out my window at an overcast sky and decided....
Why is it so appealing to roll over and snuggle down at 8am? Maybe it fulfills our very human need to feel like we are misbehaving! To have some control over our life that is filled with deadlines, and appointments and chores.
Or...... I was just lazy.
Either way my butt did not get out of bed until 11am today. I decided I was still not quite well enough to have a busy day and got cleaned up in some fancy pjs and headed down for a day of ........?
We started the day with a phone call asking Judy to head out to a job interview. We quickly ate our french toast breakfast and off she went. I sat happily engrossed in facebook and Big Farm until she came home. Her second interview is tomorrow. YAY my baby's first real job.
I spent the afternoon cleaning up the living room and tv room. Although I know in my head both rooms are in transition..... the mess is driving me crazy. So Judy and I spent a little while doing basic cleaning and everything looks much much better now.
We watched a little tv and then had cabbage rolls for supper and warm chocolate chip cookies for dessert! That has to make anybody a little bit happier! I made the dining room computer work again and then tried to decide how to end my night.
Well unexpectedly, the fight about underage teen after-prom parties came up, was fought out and a teen girl is currently pissed at her fuddy duddy mom. Oh well. I did offer the house up for the party, but without alcohol! I got "great! there will be like 3 of us there". "Do you even know there will be like 200 graduates? we need a field"

When did the grad party become a field event?

I have had a few graduations in my life,
gr 6, 10, 12 and gr 13 (mine)
gr 12 and gr 13 (boyfriend's)
gr 12 (husband)
gr 8 (daughter)
the common link................ no corn fields were involved in ANY of those. Fancy dresses, tuxedos, limos, corsages, dinners, dances.................. yes! alcohol yes, but not to the degree they are talking. At least not in any of the graduation parties I attended. We NEVER needed police chaperones at our parties! We never did property damage. We wanted a party and that's what we did.
Grade 6 was a family house party.
Grade 10 was a ceremony and party at Brock University.
Grade 12 was a ceremony at Lakeport School and party at Port Mansion.
Grade 13 the ceremony was at Lakeport school and the party was at Copperfields.
Our big "after-party" was at Perkins for a 1 or 2am breakfast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish the kids of today would look more at what THEY want,
not what their peers say should happen.
Unfortunately, that is probably not going to happen any time soon.
Good night.
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