March 6th 2021
Yo! Homies!
Weird day...
Best laid plans
And an effortless execution
Of doing very little of
Any of them.
I did manage to get
A shamrock shake to mom!
I came home
And tried to nap,
But again,
John woke me up
To see if I was asleep
Just like yesterday.
We did try going for a walk
But I got cold fast
So we only went around the block.
Tonight's recipe was
Beef and bowtie
Which was fast and amazing.
We tried watching a movie
But again - best laid plans included;
1) a skunk that moved in,
2) Phone calls (lots)
3) John had a drop in guest
So they were off to the garage.
I cleaned up a little
So no chores tomorrow
Tomorrow John is going
To pick up his new-to-him
Fishing boat....
While I play in my craft room.
Good night from John Street
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