March 10, 2021

A good day.

I accomplished more 
than the past few days.

A bunch of 30 minute challenges
Certainly helped!

I made some headway
On the giant happiness project graph.
It's funny how many things
I can fit in on it
And make immediate connections
To other problem areas.
It also put to paper,
Everything floating around
Inside my head.

Today's recipe was fajitas
In a crock pot,
No side dish immediately popped up
Until I remembered that I sent a link
About fun scalloped potato like recipes
And found one that would work.

Everything prepped and kitchen clean,
It was time to go pick up
A new to us pedestal sink
That I got a great deal on
Which made me smile.

It was in Lynhurst
So I popped in at Mom's 
And took Tinker for a little walk
While mom vacuumed her car.
Beautiful weather today
Which made me smile.

Home again,
John unloaded the vehicles.
I went back to my project graph
For a little bit
Which made me smile.

A drop off of some 
"Back to me" cookbooks
And a surprise "gold star"
Which made me smile.

And then it was time 
to get the one recipe in the oven.
How could it already be 5:30?

Knock knock
And there stood Connie!
Haven't seen her since Christmas.
Nice little chat
Which made me smile.

I blogged the 2 recipes
And got a random call
From an old college friend
Which made me smile.

Next serve supper and take photos.
It was yummy.
John ate 2 huge servings
Which made me smile.

Suddenly it was 7:30!
Off to the "2pnt meeting"
 In the Wendy's parking lot.
We sat in our cars
Working out issues
And making plans...

I was out,
So I made a pit stop
On Sparta Line to drop off
A sample and a cookbook.

Home again,
I needed to finish cleaning the kitchen,
And get John off to work.

All in all a pretty smiley day.

Good night from John Street


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