February 3rd 2021
A system is only as good
As its operator.
So although I have a tried
And I have an effective routine
To keep my house tidy
And organized for the most part,
If the operator has no replacement
The system fails.
Well this system operator
Lost power yesterday.
I took the day off
And hoped my replacement would
Be able to keep up.
That was a no.
If it is a good system you have created,
It only takes a short time
To get everything back on track.
I tend to under value
How much I can accomplish in a day,
Even when I take notes
And KNOW I have done more
Than 30 chores...
I still see areas where I "could have" ,
"Should have" etc.
Today I read chapter 2
Of the Happiness project
And found a challenge
I actually took.
Take a walk and hear your footsteps.
So I did. I walked the path
Along the old train tracks.
First length - I listened to each foot fall.
Second length - I looked into the tree branches
Third length - I stretched my arms
Fourth length - I was doing deep breathing
Fifth length - I gathered recycling off the road
What did I learn?
#1 I need more exercise. Hahhaha
#2 no matter what I focused
I was at peace - I was able to get out of my head
#3 that no matter how cold you are when you start that you will be happy you wore removable layers by the last length
#4 I am stronger than I give myself credit for
#5 my boots were not made for walking!
Most of my day revolved around
Paperwork, reading, ordering product
And putting my house back.
I made a new ratatouille recipe
With wild rice for supper.
John had 2 big plates
So I say it's a thumbs up.
I am now happily in bed,
House clean, laundry caught up,
Garbage and recycling done,
Dishwasher running and hoping
For a good night's sleep...
As soon as Corky and Otter
Settle down for the night!
Good night from John Street
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