Feb 25th 2021

What is a sunny day for?


I did a porch pick up,
Dealt with some Mark's Work Wearhouse
For an exchange and a pick up!

And I drove with the windows open!
Home for lunch.

Loaded up the car
With all the donations I collected
And then it was 
To head towards london
And pop into No Frills
Then drop off donations at goodwill.

Off to Lens Mills for rotary blades
And then Costco to meet
My date Dan.

I loaded up on meds
And headed back home (again).

My knee was aggravated by then,
So I put on a brace
And put up my foot.

John went off to pick up
Cigarettes and beer for the weekend.

He also made chicken gyros
For supper tonight!

A happiness meeting
And a little tv,
While writing the grocery list
For the March menu.

Now - bedtime.
I have a Photoshop tomorrow
At 10am... so I am off.

Good night from John Street


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