Feb 4th 2021
Happy February 4th.
I spent the morning making beef stew
With red wine sauce
And homemade bread for supper.
The afternoon flew by
While I did a few chores,
Received a huge shipment
And messaged those needing
To come get there items.
I need to get back to doing
Other things than chores.
I think tomorrow
I will tackle the big job
Of organizing some Disney.
Each trip I have Sooooo much
Paraphernalia and memorabilia from
And as I have no one
Who will want these books,
I can "slash the stash".
I will continue to scrapbook layouts
But I think some of them
(Probably most of them)
I will sell off.
Disney is as good a place to start
As anywhere in my scrapbook.
I have already chosen tomorrow's
New recipe and it's skillet nachos!
Tonight's beef stew recipe was
For now I need some rest.
A big scrapbook weekend coming
And I think I want to play!
Good night from John Street
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