October 26th 2019
Yesterday can be checked off
As a giant success!
My house is super-close
To being back to normal.
The scrapbook is immaculate,
Donations gone,
Did a load of computer emailing
And craft event organizing,
I even cooked our supper.
With the kitchen cleaned up,
I dealt with some hand sewing
While we watched a movie.
Having had a sinus headache
All day long - I grabbed some
Nighttime sinus medication
And crashed by 10pm.
Today is a new day
And I have already stripped
The bed and remade it -
Sheets are even in washer!
And the new to do list is everything
I have on the Christmas organizer list
Up until Monday's new posts.
I am going to catch up.
I am going to get organized.
I am doing it this weekend.
The only thing I have to do
Is waterworks park at 3:40pm
To take Dad out for a bit.
Anything I need to grab or do
Outside this house will get done then.
Going to be another busy day
Working on the list...
But yesterday was so great
I am hoping for round two today.
Good morning from John Street
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