October 1st 2019
Slept till 11 yesterday.
I woke up at 7 with a headache
So took Tylenol and back to sleep.
Posted to the organizing group,
Printed work sheets for meeting,
Then had an interesting
Disney 2020 meeting at Mom's.
Built my 4 weeks of meds boxes
With a trip to Yurek's
And stocked up on cold meds,
Got a couple great deals
At 3 second hand stores in town,
Organized 2 more cupboards
And added refills to grocery list,
Made a birthday gift,
Washed living room curtains
Because someday chip dip erupts
Straight up when you accidentally
Drop the container!!!!
John made a pork chop dinner
And he cleaned up too!
So I rested my ankle most of the evening.
Today is the first day of October!
I have to start with book cart
At Valleyview
Then home for work clothes
And attack a few organizing jobs
I have been putting off...
Like listing the pre-bought gift area
And finalizing
the Thanksgiving dinner plans.
It looks beautiful out there,
So maybe I can spend a few moments
Enjoying that today too!
I could trim the rose bushes.
Good morning from John Street
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