October 25th 2019
I feed on it.
So the idea of being still for any
Specific length of time kills me.
I thrive on doing stuff.
Was one of those "not like that" days.
John had told me to sleep in
And relax all day, when I said
I actually felt "broken" Wednesday.
Overtired, headache, toothache
And just plain too many days
Of stuff In a row with no real break.
Funny how those people who say
"Then take time off"
Aren't the people who can take over
What they are telling you to forget about!
So I did get up with the alarm,
I did go visit Dad and do coffee,
I picked up 2 orders on the way home,
Put on pyjamas and did absolutely nothing
Until bedtime at 10:30pm.
Not exaggerating!
No laundry, no dishes, no cooking,
No work on the events... I did nothing.
Today is a different story!
I am well rested now,
And need to regain my house
From a week I was not even in it!
7 days ago I packed for a 2 day crop,
Another crop, movies, dinners, birthdays
And yesterday was the first bit
Of time I had with no all day plans!!!!
So strip the bed and do some laundry,
some straightening up
And putting away next.
Coffee at Mom's ???
Donations dropped off,
Pick up stamps,
Then cook John a real supper...
To start with.
Good morning from John Street
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