March 8th 2019
I am cold,
I am tired,
I am sore...
And I do not like green eggs and ham!
Yesterday was LLLOOONNNGGG.
Up so early, then sit and wait.
Into pre-op, then sit and wait.
Talk to everyone, sit and wait.
Mom off to survey, sit and wait.
By 2pm I needed air.
I was invited out to dinner
And jumped at a chance to leave.
It was lovely,
But got a weird call from the hospital
And had to go back.
I brought Mom a hamburger
And the problem turned out
That they needed her med list
Again? How many times does that
Need to be put into the computer??????
Pain killers were changed and are working.
She ate her burger, drank her rootbeer
And went after the shamrock shake too!
She managed to make a few phone calls
And text a few messages,
Then we played scrabble till 8pm.
And I headed home.
This morning
She called and all is going well.
Once home again,
I popped my BIG pain killer
After eating everything in sight
And then crashed...
Sleeping through until 9am.
Today I have to go see Dad.
May have to go fight with the hospital
As they are talking about sending
Mom home again today!
Dr Nadie said Sat or Sun.....
So we are holding her ground
And I refuse to take her this time.
John on the homefront
Is working on getting our furnace
Paperwork... frig finalized
And new furnace put in.
The joys of a 120 year old home.
Now I need breakfast.
Good morning from John Street
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