March 13th 2019
The hits fro yesterday:
*6-7am set Mom up
*7:30 union gas at my house
*8 furnace installers
*8:30 electrician
Chores, cleaning etc.
*9:30 John arrives home
So I go back to the condo
Loaded with new scrapbook kits.
*.make lunch
* set up scrapbooking
*1:30 Tink to groomer
*3 back to get hime
* scrapbook....
*5 John let me know we have heat
And the furnace and AC yes, AC!!
Are installed!
*run to Yureks
*set alarms for meds
Today is LDO and it is unlikely
That I can go for much
If any of the day.
Mom had a yucky day yesterday
So I am going to stick
Around here just in case.
She is mobile again!
Now to get her eating.
Not much on my to do list.
Waiting for a delivery from UPS
But not much else.
Good morning from John Street
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