March 6th 2019

What a ...... Day.

I woke up at 7am!!!!
Wide awake at ugly o'clock.

LDO day.
that's not till 10...
I think I will read.... Zzzzzzzzz

Gotta get joc some addresses
Off my gps...
Gotta get a cake for mom....

Holy man its cold outside!

Parking.... Ooh! A good one.

Dropped the cake... arrrrggggh
Thank goodness for
Those plastic cake domes.

Do not feel like scrapping
But fun talking!

Taco Bell and cake - yesssssss.

Make plans,
Discuss options....

Michaels road trip!

Home again.

Furnace guy shuts off our gas
Need new furnace. Ugh.

Salesman comes to price out
The new one.... $$$$$$
We will have a\c this summer!!!!

Supper finally.
Send John to bed after.

Watch some tv.
Now bedtime.

Surgery is tomorrow morning.
Mom has to be in North London
At 7:30am which means
I have to be ready by 6:30!!!!!!

Good night from John Street


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