June 8


Friday is travelling day.

We made quick work for of packing.
Thankfully I had a list.
Soon the car was packed,
Everything ready to go
And pets on leashed.

Our baby dog was off
To be babysat by a friend
Of John's this weekend.

Our baby kitty
Was packed to be spoiled
By a good friend.

Off to fight Toronto traffic,
And after a bit of slow down,
We arrived just 30 minutes
After our expected arrival time.

Our room mates
Arrived at the same time.
We made a quick trip to our suite.

A quick trip to pick up supper,
And we stocked our kitchen
With yummy stuff to munch on
All night long.

But alas.
I am exhausted
From visiting, laughing and reminiscing
With friends from college tonight.

Good night from Whitby


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