June 14


What a beautiful day....
To run all over the place.
Thank goodness the weather
Was beautiful and I did not melt.

Job #1
Wash my car cause it looked awful

Job #2
Tim Hortons for Thursday treats

Job #3
Coffee Thursday at Valleyview

Job #4
Pick up Mom at 11am for surgery

Job #5
Get through St Joes "helpful staff"
Without punching someone

Job #6
Waiting Room for 2 hours

Job #7
Take Mom to Dr's appointment
After surgery was done

Job #8
Pick up tickets for next Tuesday's movie

Job #9
Pit stop at Dollarama where I found
14 water bottle holders for wheelchairs

Job #10
Drive back to St Thomas and get Tinker

Job #11
Make sure John was up
And headed to Valleyview with a screwdriver

Job #12
Family bbq event at Valleyview

Job #13
Get Mom home and to bed

Job #14
Cook a roast beef and make gravy
For hot beef sandwiches for Mom
This weekend

Job #15
"Summerize" the deck for Mom
(hanging planter, chair etc)

Job #16

Sit outside in the cool breeze
and enjoy the evening

Job #17

John brought a late night snack over
Before heading to work.
Thank goodness because I was hungry!
Yummm yummm yummm

Job #18

Garbage and recycling out for Mom

Job #19

Hang holders (2) for new remote ceiling fans

Job #20

Repair a\c - dead batteries in thermostat

Job #21

Empty humidifier...
Tomorrow I will hook up hose to it

Job #22

Wash dishes

Job #23

Medicate patient

Job #24

Sleepover to make sure she does
Her drops and has no side effects (24 hours)

Good night from Vineden Drive


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