November 19th 2017

Happy 75th birthday Mom.

I "finally" feel better today.
Off to Canadale for their
"Holiday open house"
Which includes live reindeer
And Mr and Mrs Claus!!!!

We even got Dad out
And in the spirit too.
We looked around, shopped,
Had lunch, took pictures
Of each other in the sleigh,
AND with the Clauses too!!

On the way home
We made a couple pit stops
For our evening events.

John had a nap
While I got everything ready.
I was all packed up
When he woke up.
Made him soup and sandwiches
For supper and we were off
To set up our evening plans.

Cookie decorating for Deb.
Gingerbread house decorating
For John and Ann.
Bird houses to be made
For Ann and Kathie.

Lots of laughs,
Some good results...
And 1 gingerbread house
That looks like a result of
A tropical storm.

I went out and finally finished
Mom's back deck railing,
And got her front porch urns
Lights all working and on one plug
For the front
And one for the back.
Easy peasy.

Home again,
The bedroom got straightened
And 2 pooped people
Popped into their comfy bed!

Good night from John Street


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