November 3rd 2017

What can you accomplish
When you put YOUR
Mind into the days' tasks?

I apparently move
at the speed of light
When I want to!

John was home early
So I lost the bed before 9am!

I headed down to wash
All the towels.

Then packed the car
And headed for Mark's
To exchange some work pants.
Some super cute holiday wear
I spotted while in line!

Off to get both pets some food,
Washed my car,
Stopped for work gloves,
Then off to Mom's
For coffee friday.

No one but me came today,
So we got some chores done
And some decorating too!

Home to find John already up,
So I did a couple things
And packed some groceries
For the food bank.

A car horn alerted me
That my ride to supper
With Dad at Valleyview
Had arrived!

Pizza was the menu tonight,
And we laughed and talked
Until it was 6:15
And time to head for
"The first of many"
Christmas Open houses.

Berry Hill was spectacular this year!
Sad I did not get my Niagara
Mulled apple cider,
But enjoyed seeing
All the beautiful decor and ideas.

A quick stop at the liquor store
And got home with
Just enough time for a snack
And medications
So I could be in bed by 10.

Good night from John Street


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