March 8th 2017

what a wind today.

The morning started at LDO
and I managed to clean up 
and scrapbook a few more photos.

Delivered some Tupperware,
visited with friends
and paid for the last seat at Windswept.
I leave next Monday
for 4 days and 3 nights.

On the way out,
I was with Mom and Tink,
who were blown off the sidewalk
two (2) times!
The wind was so strong, 
I grabbed her arm and grabbed the dog
and escorted them to the van.
I was having problems at times.
I did call and warn the girls at LDO
to come out in pairs.

Home again,
Judy had followed through
and piled a lot of misc items 
that were not put away properly
in my craft area..
A big job for me tonight 
was to clean that all up...
or at least make a dent in it.

I didn't get much put away 
but the massive pile 
has been tamed into
an organized mess of piles
that can be put away
much more quickly 
and hopefully tomorrow.

Homemade lasagna for supper,
and dinner for John 
ready in the microwave.

Good night from John Street


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