March 23rd 2017

The day that did not want to end!

I was up by 8 ugly o'clock
and off to the bakery.
I needed to be at Valleyview
by 9am for Dad's
first piano lesson.
(with cinnamon buns)

I was just a bit early
and got him all set up
just as the teacher walked in.

Dad did very well,
being able to play 3 blind mice,
happy birthday
and a tune with the teacher.

He was all smiles
and when Mom arrived at 10,
he showed her what he had learnt.

10:30 was the team update
on Dad's health etc,
and he is doing well,
some changes were decided on
and new plans for the future.

Then Mom and I were off
to accomplish a rather large
TO DO list.
Call Ambrose Plumbing
(they never called back)
S London Additionelle
(didn't have my size)
Pier One
Blinds to Go
(got a quote)
Dollar Tree
(scrap storage bags)
(returns, storage, a new blouse 
AND 1 of 2 table lamps)
N London Home Depot
(fireplace mantle)
Swiss Chalet
(lunch finally)
N London Additionelle
(yay my size)
N London Michaels
(3 paper pads and album)
S London Home Depot
(3 small carpets)
(service call needed)
St Thomas WalMart
(picked up matching lamp)
(to show Dad)

Drove Mom home
and emptied her van for her.
I put out the garbage
and headed for my home.

I got a chicken dinner ready
for my night shift working hubby
and my in London
training Reservist daughter.

I am headed to bed
to relax my aching muscles
and hopefully get a TON of sleep.

Tomorrow I am planning
on attacking the house again
and knock off a bunch
of items on the TO DO list.

Good night from John Street.


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