March 27th 2017
I woke feeling yucky,
I am going to bed feeling yucky.
In between however,
I did get a lot accomplished.
Supper tonight
was curry chicken from scratch
and Tylenol.
Not a lot to report.
I am definitely feeling
that I am 6 days away
from getting my next infusion!
Tomorrow I will chill out
because I have reserved seating
for Beauty and the Beast!
REALLY excited about that.
I wish I could remember
the exciting idea I had
for tonight's blog......
but nope!
I remember now......
the reason my day sucked so bad,
I wore mismatched undergarments.
Can you imagine?
My bra and panties
The horror I felt when I realized
what I had done while putting on pjs.....
well I screamed loud enough
that Judy came to see what was the matter.
She rolled her eyes
and said "is that all?"
but in my world..... unforgiveable.
So that is my explanation
for my yucky feeling day!
Good night from John Street
I woke feeling yucky,
I am going to bed feeling yucky.
In between however,
I did get a lot accomplished.
Supper tonight
was curry chicken from scratch
and Tylenol.
Not a lot to report.
I am definitely feeling
that I am 6 days away
from getting my next infusion!
Tomorrow I will chill out
because I have reserved seating
for Beauty and the Beast!
REALLY excited about that.
I wish I could remember
the exciting idea I had
for tonight's blog......
but nope!
I remember now......
the reason my day sucked so bad,
I wore mismatched undergarments.
Can you imagine?
My bra and panties
The horror I felt when I realized
what I had done while putting on pjs.....
well I screamed loud enough
that Judy came to see what was the matter.
She rolled her eyes
and said "is that all?"
but in my world..... unforgiveable.
So that is my explanation
for my yucky feeling day!
Good night from John Street
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