December 7th 2016
YAY more Christmas trivia
Because they viewed Christmas as a decadent Catholic holiday, the Puritans in America banned all Christmas celebrations from 1659-1681 with a penalty of five shillings for each offense. Some Puritan leaders condemned those who favored Christmas as enemies of the Christian religion.
Oh my!
5 shillings per offense
could add up
for a person who puts up
a lot of trees,
buys everyone she knows gifts
or sends out over 200 cards a year!

Today had a weird start.
I got up, got dressed,
came downstairs and posted
in the daily organized Christmas.
I was chatting with the girls,
when I realized
I was nauseated, exhausted
and too tired to stay up.
I actually went back to bed.
I fell right back to sleep
and only slept for 15 more minutes,
I felt 100% better.
How can 15 minutes make
such a big difference?
I popped over
and had a lovely chat
with my neighbours,
and then headed off to LDO...
where I accomplished absolutely
I had a great visit,
ate lunch,
delivered some cookies
and Tupperware,
and headed home
for John to fix my truck tail light.
I spent the rest
of the afternoon,
doing chores and small jobs
and receiving a few more
pre-ordered gifts
and chatting with a couple
drop in visitors.
I was pretty excited
to be watching mushy
Christmas movies at the same time.
A little cleaning.
A little laundry.
A little prepping
for more Christmas baking tomorrow
suddenly it was 9pm
and time to be heading
to my warm, comfy bed.
Good night from John Street.
YAY more Christmas trivia
Because they viewed Christmas as a decadent Catholic holiday, the Puritans in America banned all Christmas celebrations from 1659-1681 with a penalty of five shillings for each offense. Some Puritan leaders condemned those who favored Christmas as enemies of the Christian religion.
Oh my!
5 shillings per offense
could add up
for a person who puts up
a lot of trees,
buys everyone she knows gifts
or sends out over 200 cards a year!
Today had a weird start.
I got up, got dressed,
came downstairs and posted
in the daily organized Christmas.
I was chatting with the girls,
when I realized
I was nauseated, exhausted
and too tired to stay up.
I actually went back to bed.
I fell right back to sleep
and only slept for 15 more minutes,
I felt 100% better.
How can 15 minutes make
such a big difference?
I popped over
and had a lovely chat
with my neighbours,
and then headed off to LDO...
where I accomplished absolutely
I had a great visit,
ate lunch,
delivered some cookies
and Tupperware,
and headed home
for John to fix my truck tail light.
I spent the rest
of the afternoon,
doing chores and small jobs
and receiving a few more
pre-ordered gifts
and chatting with a couple
drop in visitors.
I was pretty excited
to be watching mushy
Christmas movies at the same time.
A little cleaning.
A little laundry.
A little prepping
for more Christmas baking tomorrow
suddenly it was 9pm
and time to be heading
to my warm, comfy bed.
Good night from John Street.
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