
December 20th 2016


During the Christmas season, nearly 28 sets of LEGO are sold every second!

That is a lot of building blocks!

Image result for lego christmas ornaments instructions

Today did not have much
going on that was exciting.
A LOT of behind the scenes
planning and organizing
for the coming weekend.

Dad is settled into his room,
and the nurses are busy
getting him back onto a schedule.

Mom has the movers tomorrow,
and I have the LDO
Christmas party at lunch.

I have a long list of to do items,
but after tomorrow,
I am hoping it is well under control
so I can be finished
by Thursday night!

I have parents moving to town Friday
and I need to be available
if they need help.

So, at 11pm
I am calling it a night.

Good night from John Street.


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