
December 30th 2016

Image result for good bye December

A new year approaches
and like others I am looking forward
to some personal changes,
some lifestyle changes
and definitely we are on a new path
with some family changes.

Resolutions are not what I am planning.
I am going to regroup, rework
and develop a system
that will work in our family.
(I hope)

Starting with:

'Twas the night before New Year's Eve~

the gift of good manners.
A good note is personal, specific and warm. Remind children to address the giver by name, mention the gift, and share how they'll use or enjoy it. Better still, hold a family thank-you note session. Writing notes together teaches youngsters that gratitude is as much a part of the season as the gifts themselves. The last day of the year, I plan to reflect on how much I have received from those in my life, and find some way to write it down.

My day was unexpectedly
sent down a different path
after John and I popped in
to see Mom.
I ended up shopping with her
this afternoon
and seeing Dad before his supper.

My evening was spent with a friend
doing some holiday clearance shopping,
a successful trip too!

Tonight I made a roast beef
and potatoes in the crock pot
to surprise John when he gets home.
A bit of chatting with the girls
while we decided how best
to go about this New Year change
we all are contemplating...
and from the amazing:

New Year's Eve ... a festive beginning to a new year. It's a good time to take stock and decide to move toward a happier, more organized life.

But too often, what looks so easy as the minute hand approaches midnight falls away in the cold light of January days. For most of us, New Year's resolutions die a slow and quiet death. They're tossed aside, along with the party hats and noisemakers. As January winds down, so does motivation, energy and desire for change. New Year's resolutions wither along with the Christmas poinsettias because they lack strong roots in real life. It's not the resolution that's at fault--it's the follow-through! New Year's resolutions are easy to make, but much harder to make real in the noisy bustle of everyday chores and concerns. Stop! Don't let those resolutions slip away so quickly! Each one represents a longing of the heart, a reach toward better health, happiness, knowledge or wisdom. Try these concepts to revive and strengthen your New Year's resolutions.

Resolve Globally, Act Locally

This familiar slogan tells a truth about personal change: however lofty the goal, the engine for making changes comes from small, daily steps. Translate each resolution ( I will lose 15 pounds this year, I will teach myself machine knitting.) into specific daily and weekly actions toward the goal.
Those who wish to lose weight? Resolve to eat five servings of fruit and vegetables each day, and attend three aerobics classes each week. The would-be machine knitter will spend one-half hour each day working on the lessons in the machine manual, and take a Saturday seminar twice a month. Both have worked out their resolutions into concrete, specific steps toward a larger goal. Distinguish between your goal and the acts necessary to reach the goal. It's the step-by-step changes each day, each week, that carry a New Year's resolution to fruition.

Add, Don't Subtract

Humans being what they are, it's far easier to add new behaviors than to subtract old, established habits. As you put your resolutions into action, frame them in terms of positive changes, not negative ones. Our dieter, who will eat five servings of fruits and vegetables, isn't going to tangle with her passion for chocolate--not just yet. Instead, she'll focus on the good, new added resolution instead of grappling with the old bad habits of a chocoholic. The added fiber and nutrition will go a long way toward reducing hunger, and as her tastes change, she will find the chocolate habit weakened. Only then will she move against the Chocolate Beast, buoyed up by her success. And even if she never slays the Beast? She's fed her body the good stuff first!

Write It Down
Often, New Year's resolutions evaporate because they're never written down or shared with an accountability partner. Talk's cheap--and never cheaper than when one is fantasizing about change. Too often, the desire to improve fades away with the sound of the conversation.

Put your resolutions on a body-building plan!

First, harness the power of the pen (or computer or smartphone!). Write out each resolution: the goal, reasons for aspiring to the goal, and the individual steps--daily, weekly, monthly--that you'll use to reach the goal. Putting a resolution in writing lets you refer to it often, and gives the plan a substance and validity that will help create motivation.

So I am off to settle down
with those thoughts tonight,
I am hoping for some enlightened ideas
to get my plan of action in place.
Success being any attempt I make.

Dinner at Bella Jacks, St Thomas... 
tomorrow night at 7-9pm
if anyone is still looking
for something to do.

Good night from John Street


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