March 7th 2016
Ugly o'clock!
Whomever thought that doctors appointments
should take place at or before 9am
should re-examine the merits
of that choice.
I am never awake enough
to remember everything
I needed to or wanted to ask,
I forget the medication list,
I go to the wrong hospital (again),
I have to drive through morning traffic
and find parking,
while trying not to tell the moron in the next car
to stop driving, smoking and drinking a coffee
while he talks on his cell phone
with an impolite wave of my hand
because he cut me off.

I did however manage
to get quite a bit done today
while in London at appointments
and in St Thomas when we got back.
I found supper prepped
when I arrived home.
John had made mac and cheese with bacon.
I also found many emails to answer
about the upcoming crop
and ticket sales!
We watched a little tv,
and then he was sent to bed for attitude
unbecoming of a person with enough sleep.

Cailyn and Donna stopped by
with some crop door prizes
and we talked and laughed for a while.
When I came in
it was 8pm! No facebook for me.
So I called Pam
who had been trying to reach me
and we decided to meet for coffee!
A great couple hours out
enjoying Coffee Cultures.
Now I am pooped.
Bed time for bobo.
Just sent Judy up,
dishwasher is loaded and running,
and I have to get hubby
off to work in 30 minutes.
Then and only then
will I be able to snuggle
into my queen size bed
and spread out all alone
with all the covers.
Good night from John Street
Ugly o'clock!
Whomever thought that doctors appointments
should take place at or before 9am
should re-examine the merits
of that choice.
I am never awake enough
to remember everything
I needed to or wanted to ask,
I forget the medication list,
I go to the wrong hospital (again),
I have to drive through morning traffic
and find parking,
while trying not to tell the moron in the next car
to stop driving, smoking and drinking a coffee
while he talks on his cell phone
with an impolite wave of my hand
because he cut me off.
I did however manage
to get quite a bit done today
while in London at appointments
and in St Thomas when we got back.
I found supper prepped
when I arrived home.
John had made mac and cheese with bacon.
I also found many emails to answer
about the upcoming crop
and ticket sales!
We watched a little tv,
and then he was sent to bed for attitude
unbecoming of a person with enough sleep.

Cailyn and Donna stopped by
with some crop door prizes
and we talked and laughed for a while.
When I came in
it was 8pm! No facebook for me.
So I called Pam
who had been trying to reach me
and we decided to meet for coffee!
A great couple hours out
enjoying Coffee Cultures.
Now I am pooped.
Bed time for bobo.
Just sent Judy up,
dishwasher is loaded and running,
and I have to get hubby
off to work in 30 minutes.
Then and only then
will I be able to snuggle
into my queen size bed
and spread out all alone
with all the covers.
112. Multiple bookmarks – Unless you’re a bookworm…you know what to do, toss them.
113. Combination locks – Chances are slim you’ll use one again but if you do, they’re cheap to replace.
114. Paperweights
115. Near empty bottles of bubbles or little nubs of side-walk chalk
Good night from John Street
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