Monday March 28th 2016
It seems odd,
not posting 5 items to throw away.
It seems odd,
not posting 5 items to throw away.
My first Monday after Easter,
was a very busy one.
John and Judy
went off to do their taxes.
I made curry chicken
and vegetable soup
while they were gone.
When they came back,
John decided to take a nap,
and Judy and I were off to London.
We found everything on our list!!!
We bought a bolt of fabric
to make the dining room drapes,
then off for new undies,
we "accidentally" ran into
2 dresses for ME,
one for the august wedding
and a dress for our 25th anniversary.

Then it was off to White Oaks mall,
while we hunted for shoes.
Judy found her new jogging shoes,
and a pair of cowboy boots.
I found my selection of summer shoes
for a ridiculous price.
We also treated ourselves
to a cinnabon extreme dessert.
A cinnamon, caramel, pecan cinnabon.
We were exhausted but happy
when we got home,
and showed John our finds.
We all sat down to soup
(and yummmm btw),
we watched a little tv,
and hung the new curtain hooks,
so we could see
the new curtain fabric
against the new wallpaper.
Now I just have to
get the old sewing machine out
and actually make them.
It's late now
and I should be considering bed
but I think I will be doing
some chores first
and see John off to work.
Good night from John Street.
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