
March 1st 2016

I managed to get quite a few chores
 done before I caved at 5pm
to another bought with fever.

Made some baked potato soup
and I am off to bed early.

I am hoping the weather tomorrow
co-operates for my remicade.

86. Cookie cutters unless you’ve used them in the past year and foresee using them again

87.  Rarely used cake pans (think Mickey Mouse head) – Our bakery supply store rents them for $2 a day.  I no longer need to keep any on hand for those rare occasions I bake.

88.  Old teeth whitening trays or strips.  Use ’em up or toss ’em out.

89.  Hard candy that you’re not sure where it came from or how long it’s been there

90.  Unloved stuffed animals

Good night from John Street


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