August 14th 2015
When you are born
you aren't given a choice
who your family is
where they come from
or who they will become.
You are taught to love and respect
each member for who they are
and that they are a part
of you and your family.
That included Aunts and Uncles who were really
cousins or family friends.
To hold tight to that love
to get you through anything.
To hold tight to that love
to get you through anything.
If this lesson
was taught well it is something you cherished
was taught well it is something you cherished
because family was not forever
as divorce and death are a part of family too.
As you aged
and started your own branch of the family tree
many follow the same path
they were taught as a child.
To spread love
to whomever came to their door
and needed it the most.
We taught our children this message
by our own actions
and reap from them what we have sown.
Some friendship choices are made
at childhood, in your teens and at college...
with good faith that they will be there for life.
That they will love you for who you are
and who you are yet to become.
You picture your children's children
being friends as well
but learn that some, were in fact,
a place to visit
forever in our hearts and memories
but no longer in our life
as deeply as we had hoped
for whatever reasons either side chose.
We take the time to teach our children
not to call others their BEST friend in the whole world
because in fact
they have not been everywhere
and that term
often used too loosely
can cause hurt feelings in others
who felt they should have that place.
To keep the heart open to as many as it can hold.
All the while remembering
that in this imperfect world
some friendships
are only stepping stones
for some to an ulterior motive.
Sadly to be lost
to the path they want their life to follow
good or bad.
Most have lived their adult years
with many acquaintances.
People you trust and would do anything for,
even tell your most unholy secrets to
but for some reason
or unplanned, unintentional turn of events
cause you to question
the loyalty of their love for you.
More gone than here
not out of your life
but through whatever transgression
no longer a safe place to go
when you need a shoulder.
An unsure place to lay your secrets
and your dreams.
A memory like that you have of vacations past
a place nice to visit
but not to stay.
that stage of your life can be very lonely.
Not alone... but never comfortable.
Making you question
your past choices
your past trust
the group of people you currently surround
yourself and your family with
yourself and your family with
all the love you give.
Those times are the hardest of all.
Each stage of your life
can hold more love and happiness
than you ever expected.
This is true
in your family, friends and acquaintances.
It can also harbour
hurt, regret and animosity
for those who have disappointed you,
ignored or left you,
left you without the support you had counted on,
or have moved on for their own reasons.
Wishing for that clean start
a break from those you allow to hurt you,
betrayed you,
resorted to underhanded or sneaky gossip.
The feeling that something has been taken away
but nothing tangible is gone.
knowing that given the opportunity
you would give them just one more chance
to be who you thought they would be...
even if it meant risking your heart, pride and love
one more time.
The pain of regret,
of not being able to redo a choice you made
is part of being human.
The belief that everything happens
for a reason
and that it will be a part of who you are becoming
gives hope that the trials you are facing
will be short lived
and that they will bring wonderful things
in the future.
The problem sometimes is not
what you or someone else is doing
or not doing.
The problem is sometimes
not saying goodbye
to those in your life who
are not a positive influence
in your life anymore.
Just allowing
yourself to say that the last chance
has been given
and walking away.
Good night from John Street.
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