August 10th 2015
and the side effects continue...
Today it is a migraine of low proportions.
I was able to stand a bit of movement and food.
but not for long before it was back to bed.
Judy was being an angel,
she did all the laundry!
Then it was time.
Judy has wanted me to meet her "friend"
for a few weeks,
but he was too chicken to come
which meant no dating.
He finally scrounged up some nerve
and came at 2 o'clock
with a creamsicle shake in hand.
Back to bed
as the migraine symptoms had started to return.
Judy and Greg were off to go fishing anyway.
We had some amazing curry for supper,
and watched a silly dog movie together
before heading back to bed.
I am seeming to be asleep
more than awake these days.
Hope runs eternal!
Good night from John Street.
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