June 8th 2015
Early monday morning alarms.....
should be banned!
Why is it,
you can wake up on your own on days
when you COULD sleep in?
and NEED to keep sleeping on the days
the alarm is set??????
I woke to cloudy yucky morning.
It matched my mood.
This was the morning I was taking Judy to London.
The next step to her adulthood and freedom.
The G2 licence.
Which she got on her first try.
Somewhere in the back of my mind,
in my heart,
I am happy for her.
the front of my brain suddenly realized at 10:15am
that this licence meant she could
actually get in the military and drive tanks!
This military career became very real this morning,
and I had a giant panic attack
in the parking lot at the MTO
while talking to John.
(Judy didn't see me)
So MUCH has happened to her, for her,
about her future
in the past month,
and I rolled with the incoming waves of amazing news.
I have known for years this what she wanted,
and what path she would most likely take.
I was proud knowing her reasons
and her devotion to it all...
but it was not real yet.
This morning sitting in the rain
waiting for her to come out and take this test,
I just couldn't breathe.
All normal,
every parent has gone through some form of it.
Probably a little weird it was the day
she got her licence,
as opposed to the day she left for training...
but none the less that's what happened.
I hugged her hard when she told me she passed
and smiled.
We stopped at Talbotville Berry Farm
to get some fresh asparagus,
so I could make a celebratory dinner of
ham and cheese wrapped asparagus on rice.
She chose a fresh from the oven
strawberry rhubarb pie for dessert.
(yummmmm Shirley)
Then it was time to cut the cord.
Judy dropped me off at the house,
kissed me good bye and drove herself to school.
Before she left,
she promised to kiss me good bye every time she left,
and text me when she got to wherever she was going.
I sunk into the sofa defeated.
Not for long,
Caroline showed up and kicked my butt!
I spent the afternoon sulking,
and watching the last of season 2 of Cougar Town.
~how incredibly weird that the last DVD
of that season is all about how she handled
her son leaving very badly~
I decided to buck up and clean the kitchen.
By 4:30 I had a splitting headache and indigestion,
so Tums, Tylenol and a nap was in order.
Judy was studying anyway.
I felt much better after,
and we were eating dinner by 6pm.
Then it was off to a quick Relay for Life meeting,
while Judy walked the dog.
How does anyone say no to a face like that???
So Shooter got a car ride
and a walk tonight.
Home again after a couple chores,
and it was CNP CRITIQUE NIGHT!!!!!
We make an online chat,
find some scrapbook photos to share with each other,
and verbally tear them apart.
(or like them ~ hahhahahahhah)
It is very therapeutic!!!
that is the life her in St Thomas.
A proud but panic-ed mom needs some sleep.
Good night from John Street.
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