June 19th 2015
I woke up in better condition today.
I was awake by 9 and managed to get up by 10am.
#1 get out of bed before 11am
#2 clear night table and dresser
#3 clear bathroom counter
#4 bed made
#5 dressed for the first time since Tues morning
#6 farm running for the day, checked email
#7 feel sorry for myself and then kick myself in the butt
#8 sofa area where I have lived since tuesday afternoon is straightened up and cleaned
#9 newspaper ads put away, last weeks thrown out, back bath straightened
#10 dishes put away and kitchen is tidied
#11 straighten back room and hanging laundry brought upstairs
#12 boil rice for salad tonight
#13 ok cleared leftovers out of fridge, froze 3 lunch size meals
#14 is started I cleared 1/16th of the mess on the table (well I organized the mess)
#15 sweep rice mess up, after cleaning up broom closet
#16 rice is cooked and rinsed. (and I ate a bowl for lunch!)
#17 art journal is finished and put away
#18 pasta salad made for this weekend
#19 rice salad (except for dressing) is made, more dishes done
#20 dressing made
#21 dishes done
#22 pork chops out for supper
#23 fathers day gifts are wrapped
#24 table set for supper
#25 cleared everything off the back freezer and put it away
#26 filled salt and pepper shakers
#27 talked to my mom (??????) for 1/2 hour.
#29 fathers day dinner with john and judy, dinner dishes are soaking
#30 asparagus is blanched, sealed and in the freezer
Its weird going from unable to get off the sofa,
to accomplishing all that in an afternoon.
We enjoyed our own father's day together tonight.
BBQ's pork chops,
with mexican confetti rice
and coconut cream pie for dessert.
I also got a sampler tray from the Rae dinner table.
I am happily sitting tonight
in a mostly clean house,
and that makes me very relaxed.
Tomorrow is another day.
Lots on the plate of fun planned.
My niece is coming to visit.
Good night from John Street.
Its weird going from unable to get off the sofa,
to accomplishing all that in an afternoon.
We enjoyed our own father's day together tonight.
BBQ's pork chops,
with mexican confetti rice
and coconut cream pie for dessert.
I also got a sampler tray from the Rae dinner table.
I am happily sitting tonight
in a mostly clean house,
and that makes me very relaxed.
Tomorrow is another day.
Lots on the plate of fun planned.
My niece is coming to visit.
Good night from John Street.
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